sqlshots: What version are you running?

1. This option is okay but not what I needed.

SELECT @@VERSION AS [Version Info]

2. This option is okay as well but does not indicate if it is 2000, 2005, 2008. Yeah it shows the product version number, but if you don't readily know it then you have to look it up.

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion')  AS [Version]         ,SERVERPROPERTY('edition')            AS [Edition]         ,SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel')     AS [Service Pack]

3. This option works okay but the you'll have issues with the Edition as the char length will differ

SELECT RIGHT(LEFT(@@VERSION,25),15)  AS [Product]        ,RIGHT(LEFT(@@VERSION,40),12) AS [Product Version]         ,LEFT(RIGHT(@@VERSION,65),17) AS [Edition]          ,SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel')  AS [Service Pack]

4. This is the winner for now (not great for version 6.5 & 7 as some additional char proceeds after due to the char length) 

SELECT RIGHT(LEFT(@@VERSION,25),15)    AS [Product]       ,RIGHT(LEFT(@@VERSION,40),12)   AS [Product Version]       ,SERVERPROPERTY('edition')      AS [Edition]       ,SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel') AS [Service Pack]

5. After some thought I like this route better

SELECT RIGHT(LEFT(@@VERSION,25),15)    AS [Product]    ,SERVERPROPERTY('productversion')   AS [Version]    ,SERVERPROPERTY('edition')          AS [Edition]    ,SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel')     AS [Service Pack]

I haven't tried this with any other version other than 2005, but I suspect 2000 & 2008 will work just fine. Earlier versions like 6.5 & 7 I am not sure of.

Posted via web from wetmatter nonsense