The Heineken BeerTender...

Simple trivia...If we have ever hung out then you know that I on occasion will indulge with an icy cold bottle of what imported beverage? The answer is simple an icy cold bottle of Heineken. I have never been partial to canned beer, but that doesn't mean I haven't consumed a canned beer before. I just so happen to prefer the taste of bottled beer over canned. Since Heineken has teamed up with Krups appliances to produce, wait for it...tada The Heineken BeerTender. Now I can enjoy draught beer not only in the convenience and safety of my own home, but in my unmentionables no less. That was for those who needed a visual! The BeerTender is conveniently equipped with four components, but two of them I think go hand in hand.

1. Volume indicator which monitors the level or beef left. 2. A freshness indicator with a 30 day countdown. 3. Temperature control with three presets: 36, 39 & 42 degrees. 4. Ready to drink indicator which shows the actual temperature of the DraughtKeg and most importantly it also lets you know when the beer is ready to be enjoyed!

The BeerTender is designed for the Heineken DraughtKeg which holds 1.33 gallons of Heineken or Heineken Premium Light. That is equivalent to (20) eight ounce glasses, (14) 12 ounce glasses or 10 refreshing pints. The DraughtKeg roughly sits at 11 inches tall by 6.8 inches wide with a circumference of 21.6 inches and weighs approximately 12.1 lbs.

The BeerTender was first introduced to the USA in March of 2008 despite the fact it has been released to other countries nearly four years ago, but who's counting. So far the prices range from $249 to $325. Like other items in time the price will drop or a sale will spring up brining this little piece of heaven down to a more attractive price range. Hey what can I say...I am a bargain shopper! If I can get this "must have" kitchen appliance for $150 or less then believe me I am going for it. Until then there is not a chance unless one of my close friends or family members decides to give it to me as a gift. Hint! Hint!

So in the mean time I will continue to enjoy my Heineken in the dark green bottles that I have already grown to know and love. Remember know your limits and please drink responsibly!