Java FileReader, FileWriter & BufferedReader...

I have been tinkering around with Java's FileReader, FileWriter & BufferedReader; however, this time I will use screen shots to illustrate parts of the code instead of pasting it and formatting it to fit nicely. Extremely time consuming...not like this post will be quick either! So here we go...not sure if I am going to enjoy this post.

1) We instantiate the FileWriter
2) My output file will be "numbers.dat"

3) Write numbers from 1 to 100 separated by "," commas to the "numbers.dat" file

4) Close the FileWriter

5) Instantiate the FileReader

6) Instantiate the BufferedReader

7) Pass data from Buffer to textData variable

8) For Schnitz'N'Giggles for you (Beer Fest) bloaks, let's display all even numbers from 1-100 on the screen

9) Close Buffer

10) Instantiate a second FileWriter

11) Append all odd numbers from 1-100 to "numbers.dat"

12) Close the second FileWriter

13) Instantiate a second FileReader

14) Instantiate a second BufferedReader

15) Pass Buffered data to textData variable

16) Print results to screen

End Results...JOptionPane Window prompts

Create "numbers.dat" file prompt

Display even numbers prompt

Append odd numbers to "numbers.dat" prompt

Display final results prompt

Proof file was created!

Screen output! (Even numbers highlighted)

File data content! (Appended numbers highlighted)